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Writer's pictureJennifer Fortney

My Story Source Helps Journalists & PR Collaborate for Story Resources

Welcome to My Story Source.

What is it?

An online news/PR resource - Live Facebook and Twitter news pitch feeds and collaboration space connecting media directly to press releases, new story ideas, leads and credible experts.

This idea brewed for some time before technology caught up and made it easier to bring to life, or the first phase of life.

Why We Need This Now

As a former journalist and PR veteran, I have been paying attention to the changes in the media world that effect not just the media outlet and its journalists, but the public relations companies that help journalists discover new, fresh story ideas and...the businesses - often small - that rely on media stories to help grow their business.

It's a snow ball effect that has been gaining steam for some time.

Now, as more journalists and reporters move into freelance writing and producing, and media is working at an unprecedented rate where stories shift and change in a minute while working from home, I knew that I could help them be more productive in writing and producing news stories through a direct connection with a rich resource - public relations professionals.

It's long been a push and pull, love/hate relationship for some media and PR folks, but now is the time that we come together to collaborate in the best interest of helping one another - journalists turn around high quality stories faster and the small businesses (PR, experts and others) that rely on a good relationship with journalists and producers for their own businesses.

For better or worse, it is a circle of life and we all depend on one another - at least from time to time.

So, why do this now?

1. There are an abundance of expert resources for media to tap for interviews and fresh perspectives on today's current events and PR people have access. Direct access.

2. There are still a lot of great stories to tell that will help support businesses, the economy, and communities as individuals seek to find some sort of normalcy in quarantine.

Individuals are spring cleaning, organizing, cooking, crafting, exercising, ordering in, reading, learning, shopping, watching, having fun, making videos and making plans for what they will do post-quarantine. This includes travel and even local, day trips destinations, concerts and theater. It is likely there will be a new found passion for discovery and local entertainment.

There are businesses doing good things in their communities and new companies being born...lots of great stories just waiting to be told.

I invite media - journalists, reporters, freelancers, producers, et al - to collaborate with verified public relations professionals in our Facebook Group and to follow our feeds in both Facebook and Twitter.

Come discover great story sources and ideas.



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